BackDr. Omar Nasim
Dr. Omar Nasim

Dr. Omar Nasim

Omar W. Nasim is an award-winning historian of science and technology and philosophy. Currently he holds the Professorship in the History of Science at the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Regensburg, Germany.
Nasim has also held fellowships with the Vossius Center for History of Humanities and Sciences in Amsterdam, the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, the Kunsthistorisches Institute in Florence, the Newton International Fellowship at Oxford University, the Chair for Science Studies at the ETH-Zurich, the NCCR’s Iconic Criticism project at the University of Basel, and the DAAD graduate exchange fellowship at the University of Konstanz. And besides being a Lecturer for the history of modern science and technology at the University of Kent, he was also a visiting lecturer at the department of art history at the University of Basel.
Omar Nasim was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada). He lives with his wife in Munich, Germany.